This may seem like an extreme thought pattern but it’s the exact thought pattern that has made my clients and I succeed
This is similar to the ‘no compromise’ approach that I have with everything that I do
Too many options leaves you mentally exhausted because you have to continue to figure out which option is best and way up the pros and cons….on top of everything else in your day
Too much compromising leaves you stagnant and unable to achieve your goals
Being unhappy is the byproduct of what happens when you compromise on too many things and give yourself too many options because you don’t want to spend some time showing discipline
Want to achieve a big goal that scares you?
DON’T BE TOO FLEXIBLE - it’s ok to say no to things for a period of time
STAY CONSISTENT - don’t stop working hard
DON’T COMPROMISE - no bullshit excuses
Now…..go earn your goal!
