The truth is that there isn't; the standard has been raised so much in the last 10 years that the above are just titles.
Investing in a personal training or a coaching service is one of the best ways to ensure that you are on track to reaching and maintaining your goals.
Having a quality fitness professional on your side should provide you the knowledge, accountability, empowerment and safe environment to achieve success.
Some of the signs that you are investing in a quality professional are;
1. They are constantly evolving and upskilling: having formal qualifications, although a great start - is not sufficient in order to ensure that you are doing everything in your power to be the best. In an industry where research is at the forefront and we adjust our approaches based on new evidence we should always be finding ways to keep our knowledge up to date.
2. They are open to more than one approach; we are all going to have preferences in regards to favourite exercises or strategies that we prefer, however that doesn't mean that we can't see the relevance and benefits of other modalities.
For example we can love strength training for our clients but also appreciate the benefits of yoga for recovery and mobility.