What do I mean by Gut Health? Well for starters let’s look at what we can most easily affect. Our Nervous System.
Our Autonomous Nervous System has a huge effect on our digestion, the integrity of our microvilli (they have a very important role in keeping the good in and the bad out), our bowel movements, our recovery, and the list goes on
Your Chicken and Broccoli won’t serve you as well as you assume if your Nervous System is in Sympathetic Dominance
Why? Because of the fact that the absorption and assimilation and of nutrients is heavily effected by our Nervous System
We want to be in Parasympathetic Nervous System Branch as much as possible (except when we train). This will ensure our digestion is better, our absorption of nutrients is better and the integrity of our Microvilli is improved to name a few
3 Tips to improving this:
1. Improve your sleep
2. Take 10 deep breaths into your Diaphragm and our through your mouth before eating
3. Meditate 1-2 times daily .
Be consistent with these and over a few months, you’ll see a great improvement in your body composition (bearing in mind you’re not an idiot with your food), energy levels, recovery, and performance in the gym
