It’s easier to say things like “I can’t achieve what I want because of work” or “I can’t achieve what I want because I can’t eat” or my favourite … “There isn’t enough time in my day!”
These things are easier to say than things like “If I make it a priority, I can get it done” or “I just need to make a plan and stick to it the majority of the time” or one of my favourites “I need to ask for some help from my partner and/or family”
Taking ownership isn’t easy. It means dropping your ego. It means taking action. It means becoming bigger than your excuses.
I say these things with so much confidence because my team and I work daily with so many people who say the same things to us. But the beautiful thing about how we work together is that we help them come to the realisation that there so many things that they can do to (that are very simple), to ensure that they can stay on track at least 80% of the time.
Once they realise this and start to put their thoughts into action the results that follow from things like happiness, decreased stress, and better sleep are things like fat loss, muscle gain and improved performance.
If you’re struggling with achieving these simple results the issue may not always be that you’re not training hard enough or dieting hard enough.