There is a need for all people who exercise to understand this one statement,
Training hard is fantastic and I’m all for it, but if you’re not recovering from these hard sessions, where is the progress?
My 5 tips to maximise recovery:
1. EAT YOUR PROTEIN - if you under eat on protein, you take away a nutrient that is vital for recovery. Aim for anywhere from 2.4-3grams/kg
2. SLEEP - getting adequate sleep is my number 1 tip for recovery. When we sleep, that’s when we are most anabolic. When we sleep, that’s when detoxification occurs. When we sleep, that’s when cells regenerate. DON’T NEGLECT SLEEP!
3. STAY HYDRATED - over 80% of our body is made up of water. Adequate water ensures our organs and muscles stay hydrated. A dehydrated body is a body that is going to struggle with everything.
4. EAT ADEQUATE CALORIES - whether you’re in a calorie deficit, at maintenance calories or in a calorie surplus, you need to ensure you consume the amount prescribed to you by someone who knows what the fuck they’re talking about!
5. RECOVERY DAYS ARE VITAL - you don’t need to train every day. Training is great, but training every day (or even 5-6 sessions per week), isn’t ideal for long term, consistent results. Anywhere between 3-5 sessions per week is enough (depending on your goal).
Don’t run yourself into the ground. Be patient when it comes to results. Focus on consistency over months and years instead of an attitude of ‘100 miles an hour’ for a month or two.
Yours in health,
Coach Anthony Kassis